Sunday, 2 August 2020

local walks

If anyone is reading this, I'm sorry. I'm late.

I really have no excuse given that I no longer have a job :) and with Covid I can hardly say there was a lot going on can I.

One of the good things about Covid is exploring my local environment. I have found birds I never thought I'd see, Reed Warblers in a small reed bed near my local supermarket, Yellowhammers, Yellow Wagtails, a spotted flycatcher. That said from a photographic point I've being taking more butterflies as walking 5-6 miles with the birding lens is not my idea of enjoyment.

On one my first walks I discovered a local pond

I live about 10 minutes walk from a common and the horses on it have been a delight to watch.

This area of scrub which is by a bridge over the M11 was productive for warblers and a Spotted Flycatcher

I've enjoyed watching the crops grow as I walked along the footpaths

 I've crossed the M11 many many times

Ah those foals! 

I've started taking selfies!! The headphones weren't present for early walks but now there are less birds about I've used it as podcast time!

I discovered an underpass under the M11 into a local wood. I had driven past that wood for years and didn't know how to get into it.

Ok I promise I'll blog again soon OK this month!


Marilyn Jones said...

Lovely photos. Just shows what an underrated medium (if that's the word) black and white photography is.

quacks said...

aw thank you.... much appreciated