Friday, 30 May 2014

Some pics from Verona

I've just spent a lovely week in Verona and had a few trips out.

Today a few pics from Verona

Friday, 2 May 2014

Seville Day 4

Seville is famed for its bull fighting which I can't really approve of but I decided I couldn't really go to Seville and not visit the Bull Ring (Plaza de Toros de la Real Maestranza de Caballería) which is the oldest in Spain.

 Apparently tickets were on sale for the new season

 Tickets in the shade are much more expensive than those in the sun and the capacity is about 12,500. There are 3 matadors and 6 bulls and each matador has to kill two bulls. A judge decides if a fighter has earned a trophy (tail or ear).

 In the nineteenth century horses lacked any protection and typically 12 horses were killed during a session.

We climbed to the top of the Torre del Oro

 We had a coffee and then went for a walk into a different part of town.77

 We had a slice of pizza and watched the world go by.

We wandered down to our favourite park and did some wildlife watching (saw a dragonfly!!)

 We had a coffee then headed back